Group Classes
Group classes are held in a classroom setting in a variety of settings and locations. Parks, Yoga & Dance Studios are some examples of the locations your child will be able to attend in person classes. We also offer private house classes during covid.
Miss Melissa's Aardvarks group classes are mixed ages. We believe that having mixed aged classes enhances the learning experience for all children.... Smaller children learn by watching the older children and older children take on a leadership role. Parents, being the ultimate leader and role model in class.... We also want to encourage siblings to learn from each other alongside their parents and enjoy the many levels of learning and development along the way… Every teacher rocks out with their guitars and all children have an opportunity to participate along with bells, shakers, sticks, drums, scarves ect. ect... Its an interactive rock and roll learning experience.... We dance, we sing, we have drum jams.... and the best part, all the music is ORIGINAL from Music For Aardvarks… Featured on Jack's Big Music Show! Each semester the music is included with your registration so you can enjoy and practice what you learn in class!
To enhance safety measures Aardvarks is now doing the following:
We will continue to follow all CDC recommendations for cleaning our facilities as well as instruments.
All instruments will be cleaned before, during and after class.
Indoor classes will have all windows and doors open for extra ventilation.
Hand sanitizer and wipes provided for use at every class.
Please read our covid waiver before coming to class and sign thank you.
We will follow all current CDC guidelines. If you have any questions regarding current guidelines please email Miss Melissa.
New to Miss Melissa’s Aardvarks?
Email us to book your FREE demo class!